TWW News

All that's worthy (and I guess not worthy) to print regarding Team Wrong Way.

Monday, February 15, 2010

2010 TWW Clothing Order Form!!!

Okay, we've finally gotten our acts together. Download the order form here:

2010 TWW Clothing Order Form

Please submit your orders by 2/24. Sorry for the quick time frame but that's what we have to do. If you can't get the cash in by the due date, at least e-mail the order coordinator (address on order form) with what you'd like to order. Please be very specific in what you want (size, cut, etc.). Send your money in later (but not that much later please).

Thanks so much!!!

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Okay, we think this is it...

This should be pretty darn close to what we're going to do on the jacket. Finally. Maybe... :)

This is now the 2nd Layer jacket from Primal Wear. Lighter weight and probably more appropriate for out here in Cali. Still same cool retro look. Note that we are customizing it so that there is only one zippered pocket in the back and we'll use a looser elastic at the bottom so it doesn't gather as much. Oh and ignore the big 'ol zipper on the mockup - it is a hidden zipper on the finished product (that is just an old template).

This will be the envy of your riding buddies! And the 2nd Layer jacket is substantially less moolah than the Paradigm so think real hard about adding it to your order.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Preliminary TWW Jacket Design Unveiled!!!

It's still not 100% sure we'll got this route, but we're definitely thinking about it - retro inspired, a timeless piece. If you've got feedback, please let us know.

Here are the details on the jacket - Primal Wear Paradigm Jacket

It is one SWEET jacket. Designed by cyclists for cyclists. And will look quite swanky off the bike too!